Advanced Sugar Flowers
Reference: FLOWER3
Category: Courses
Your are now well on the way to becoming competent in making a wide range of sugar flowers and putting together a fantastic flower garden with your own design elements.
Basic Sugar Flowers
Reference: FLOWERS1
Category: Courses
This is an introductory course on making sugar flowers. Our easy-to-follow curriculum and coaching will guide you through every step of the way. The course consists of 6 weekly classes, each lasting 3 hours. For complete details, please contact us all tools required to complete the course will be pr...
Intermediate Sugar Flowers
Reference: FLOWER2
Category: Courses
After completing your basic sugar flowers course, we can help you expand your skills by teaching you how to create a wider variety of flowers.
Category: Courses
During each lesson, your teacher will demonstrate a wide variety of techniques and ideas on this Roal icing and piping module. As your interest grows the opportunities for creativity are endless, enabling you to personalise and develop your own design.
Category: Courses
During each lesson your teacher will demonstrate a wide variety of techniques and ideas, as your interest grows the opportunities for creativity are endless, enabling you to personalise and develop your own design.
Category: Courses
During each lesson your teacher will demonstrate a wide variety of techniques and ideas on this sugar paste and rolled fondant course, As your interest grows the opportunities for creativity are endless, enabling you to personalise and develop your own design.
PME fast track course
Reference: PME1
Category: Courses
It is not necessary to finish all three modules unless you want to receive the Master's Certificate. The Master's Certificate will only be granted upon successful completion of all three modules. The certificate can be obtained by completing an intensive program that takes only 11 days.